Terms and Conditions CIS Tax Refunds​
This page was last updated on 04 April 2019.
We aim to keep our Terms and Conditions in an easy to read format to try and ensure you’re not too tied down in legal jargon, but please feel free to contact us if there is any part that needs clarification as our main aim is to ensure that you have a clear understanding of our terms, service and relationship with you. By using any of our services, you are agreeing to our terms and conditions and we want you to do this with confidence so please feel free to contact us as taking you through any queries is why we are here.
1. Definitions
In these Terms and Conditions:
“We”, “us” and “our” to refer to Go Accounting and Business (GAAB in text), a trading name of Go Accounting and Business Ltd. We’re a company incorporated in England and Wales (Company number: 10452056). Our registered office is Go Accounting and Business, 3 Crompton street, Bury, Greater Manchester, BL9 0AD
“You” and “your” is in reference to you or anyone else using our Services, which are explained below, and services provided via our website, www.gaab.co.uk, that require you to enter personal information.
2. Our Services
CIS Tax Refund
Using all the information you have provided in your CIS Tax Refund Pack, and via telephone calls and emails, GAAB will assess and calculate your claim, and complete and submit the appropriate signed forms to obtain a tax refund from HMRC or submit your figures provided if you choose the service.
Tax Return
If HMRC require you to submit a Tax Return, but a Tax Refund is not available or suitable, GAAB will calculate how much tax you owe, and complete and submit a signed Tax Return to HMRC.
Handling any enquiry from HMRC for you.
If HMRC launch an enquiry into your Tax Return or Tax Refund claim, GAAB will gather the required information and respond to all queries from HMRC until the enquiry is closed. If GAAB submitted the Tax Return or Tax Refund claim, we will handle the enquiry free of charge, assuming that all information originally given is accurate and correct. If you would like us to defend an HMRC enquiry for a tax return or tax refund claim that GAAB have not submitted, a cost will be incurred.
Tax Code
After your refund is paid out, we will contact HMRC on your behalf to check and update your tax code, the reason for this is because HMRC may automatically change your tax code to include any job expenses previously claimed for and this change assumes that your travel and subsistence costs will continue to stay exactly the same and this can be costly. Our experience shows us that our customers have a varied workplace and work pattern, so we will remove any job expenses that HMRC add into your tax code as part of our aftercare service. The reasoning for this is we like to ensure that all our customers aren’t paying too little tax if their circumstances circumstances change as this can be all to expensive on your next year end.
If you'd prefer us not to contact HMRC to remove these expenses, please let us know. However, be aware that if you decide to keep the expenses in your tax code, HMRC will expect you to justify them each year.
3. Our Obligations
3.1 We will accurately process all information you provide to us and take all actions necessary in connection with the provision of our Services as quickly as possible.
3.2 If HMRC charge a penalty for the late filing of a document or any other default which is caused by us, we will pay it. Any delay in filing caused by yourself will make you responsible for the fine.
3.3 We maintain high standards of conduct in our dealings with government departments and all other agencies. We will decline to provide a Service if we believe that doing so may breach those standards. We will notify you as soon as we can if we decide not to provide a Service.
3.4 If you do not provide all the relevant and accurate information, we cannot be held liable for the outcome of your Tax Refund or Tax Return.
3.5 GAAB will not be liable for any delays in Tax Refunds being paid to you that have been caused by HMRC’s procedures and security checks.
4. Your obligations
4.1 You agree to co-operate with us so that we can provide the Services in accordance with our obligations.
4.2 You agree to provide the information that we ask for promptly and to make sure that this information is true, accurate, correct and complete, including taking all the necessary steps to get this information from other sources if required.
4.3 You will keep accurate records and receipts as required by HMRC to support your Tax Refund claim.
4.4 You must tell us about all your sources of income and the amounts you receive, including any PAYE, self-employed, pension or rental income and any benefits received in every tax year for which GAAB is completing a Tax Refund claim or Tax Return. You must also provide honest, accurate and correct details of the money you have spent for the purposes of your work or business.
4.5 You are responsible for approving any Tax Refund claim or Tax Return before we submit it to HMRC.
4.6 You accept that you may have to pay back any money received where the claim was based on incorrect information provided by you. If that happens, you will have no right to claim back any money from GAAB, including our fee, the only time this would change is if we had submitted an error.
5. Our fees
5.1 Our fixed charge for submitting a tax return is GBP200.00 Excluding VAT.
We take GBP99.00 as our fee up front and once you provide your figures, the rest of the fee will be payable after the refund is made. In cases where we need to make all calculations for you based on raw paperwork, we will charge you 10% of the claim on top after the refund is made but not less than GBP250.00 Excluding VAT
5.2 For handling an HMRC enquiry into a claim not submitted by GAAB, our fees are GBP80.00 per hour Excluding VAT (subject to a minimum fee of GBP80.00 Excluding VAT).
5.5 Our tax return services where no refund is due are subject to a minimum fee of GBP99.00 Excluding VAT and this fee is paid up front and is not refundable.
6. How we handle your refund
6.1 GAAB will be authorised to receive any payments relating to Tax Refunds made by us on your behalf, once these payments are received you will be notified and our fees will be deducted before we promptly forward on to you the balance owed
6.2 Should HMRC send a refund direct to yourself without our authorisation, our fees must be paid as promptly as we would pay you, any refusal to pay fees will result in a legal claim to retrieve said fees.
6.3 The calculations and computations we produce to submit your Tax Refund or Tax Return are for our use only. If you use these calculations to submit your own or any fraudulent claim, we will seek payment for our work and will take all legal and necessary action to recover any fees owed to us.
7. GAAB Guarantee
7.1 Under the GAAB Guarantee, if HMRC open an enquiry into your claim, we will handle the enquiry free of charge. If the enquiry results in any money being repayable to HMRC, we will make the repayment provided you have given us full and accurate information about your income, outgoings and any money you owe HMRC. You must make every effort to obtain the information required as part of HMRC enquiries. Failure to engage in this process may result in the GAAB Guarantee being withdrawn.
7.2 Circumstances where the GAAB guarantee will not apply and you will be responsible for payments.
7.2.1 You have provided incorrect or incomplete information, or
7.2.2 The repayment is for a claim we did not submit, or
7.2.3 You owe HMRC money which is nothing to do with the claim we have submitted.
7.2.4 Any attempt to mislead us or any of our employee’s in any way will cause the guarantee to be removed.
8. Data protection and money laundering
8.1 We are registered for Data Protection (no. ZA249015) and have strict security measures to protect personal information. This includes following certain procedures (for example, checking your identity when you phone us) and encrypting (encoding) data on our websites.
8.2 Any personal data you provide to us will only be used to carry out our Services.
8.3 You agree to us storing this data in paper and/or electronic form. We will securely store all of your documents for 3 years in accordance with the retention policy guidelines, after this point they will be securely destroyed in accordance with the ISO BS EN 15713 standard of Secure Destruction of Confidential Waste. If you require your documents to be returned to you within this timeframe, please contact us.
8.4 We reserve the right to record and monitor some telephone calls, emails and other electronic communications for training and quality purposes.
8.5 We may contact you by using any contact details you have provided. You can ask us not to send you any information on our offers or services at any time by contacting us.
8.6 We will not pass your details to anyone outside of GAAB.
8.7 We are registered under the UK’s Money Laundering Regulations and regulated by our professional body CPAA(no. 01298615A). Current legislation requires that we check your identity and keep evidence that we have done so, in accordance with this legislation we will require 1 photographic identity of yourself and two proofs of address for us to copy and keep on file.
9. If you need to complain
Our aim is to ensure that all of our clients receive an excellent service. We have been established since 2009, and are proud of our commitment to quality and our dedication to customers. This has been recognised by a number of awards including the Best Business of the Year 2012.
When dealing with thousands of clients every year, occasionally we might not get it right and if you are not happy with any aspect of our performance, we NEED to know about it however big or small your issue may be as this is the only way we can put it right and prevent it from happening again.
If you are not happy, please let a member of our staff know as soon as possible as in the majority of cases your complaint will be resolved immediately. If you wish to take your complaint further please follow our Complaints Process below.
Complaints process
Inform a member of staff that you wish to discuss your issue with our Customer Care Team. Your contact details will be taken so that we can arrange a phone call at a convenient time.
Before your phone call a member of the Customer Care Team will speak with the member of staff involved in the matter and collate our notes of the issues and decisions at each stage.
The Customer Care Team will then try to deal with the issue by;
Establishing what has happened so far, and who has been involved
Clarifying the nature of the complaint and what remains unresolved
Clarifying what you feel would put things right.
(please note that GAAB will not Break any laws or legislation to satisfy a complaint all complaints must be genuine)
When the course of action has been decided and carried out, we will confirm with you that the issue has now been resolved and the complaint is closed.
If you want to make a formal complaint instead, please write to the
Customer Experience Manager at Go
Accounting and Business Ltd:
3 Crompton street
Greater Manchester
Your written complaint will be acknowledged in writing within 5 working days of its receipt. The reply will include information about how the issues raised will be dealt with, and a written commitment to send a formal, written, response within a further 21 working days.